Getting Better All the Time

Getting Better All the Time

To be successful in this business, you need to love to learn.

Even just within the realm of Matterport Service Providers, the platform evolves and changes on an almost weekly basis. New features and functions are being added that add more capabilities, but they also make the process of capturing a space more complex. Being able to do a virtual walkthrough, 2D photographs and schematic floor plans all in one shot takes equal parts creativity and technical skill.

I love learning. I’m a student at heart (though admittedly I graduated many, many years ago). The technology change just spurs me on. It makes me work harder for my clients to get the best results possible. Every scan is not only an opportunity to do great work, but it’s a chance to learn how to be better at what I do. I am thankful to every one who welcomes me into their homes to work on perfecting my craft.

I have all kinds of ideas of how to apply this technology, and people give me more ideas every day. Almost every person I show it off to has some new and interesting way to make use of it, and that is an amazing thing. People can instantly recognize the game-changing utility of the Matterport platform, and I plan to use my Pro2 camera to bring those ideas to fruition.

If you want to up your game, we are the next level!

Real Estate Agents (both Residential and Commercial), Property Managers, and even just Property Owners all over Ottawa can take advantage of this innovation and use it to better market themselves and their businesses. Anything you use traditional photography for, you can use 3D photography even better. When VR finally comes of age, you are going to see a sweeping change in how we experience physical spaces online. Flat, 2-dimensional photographs just won’t cut it.